Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Remembering Tao

In my business life, there are days that are utterly depressing in which problems, conditions and challenges seem to accumulate hopelessly for a while and then suddenly, almost to my surprise, the skies clear up and resolutions come to the rescue and finally take hold. Just like torrential rains are followed by sunny days and severe pain is followed by healing.

In spite of a life-long experience, I find it always hard to take the beating during these cyclical “down” moments, but I also find comforting that they're always followed by a bright side that never fails to counteract the pain. That's when Taoism acts in full force and is such a potent life philosophy that it's always crucial remembering it's there for us, not so much when things are going well for us, but when we feel stuck at the bottom of the barrel.

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