Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Republicans' silence

While American foreign policy has treated us with a full display of hesitation and incompetence over the past few days in the midst of the Egyptian revolution, the GOP's big mouth, that only seems to know how to criticize the Obama Administration has remained incredibly silent.
That party hasn't had much to say, because it's even less capable than its Democrat counterparts in understanding foreign affairs and far less liberal when it comes to individual freedom or progressive ideas.It's still stuck in the eighteenth century when it comes to having any kind of timely vision.

While Bush and Rice made declarations that never were in synch with their thoughts, their party remains the unjustified invader of Iraq and the fear-monger of the post 9-11 era. The Republicans have also been the unconditional allies of Israel and those that have most turned their back on the Palestinians when settlements have exploded in numbers, so no wonder that they feel totally helpless and out of constructive or useful ideas. It's the US political party with its head turned towards the past and stuck deep into the sand...

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