Saturday, September 22, 2012

Reinventing the ski business?

Every now and then there's an economic challenge or a bad snow year that seem to put the entire existence of the ski business in question and with it, industry leaders begin (once more) to wonder how they we grow their activity, put more people into the sport and re-energize everyone involved in the chain, from participants to retailers, ski area population and everyone else involved in that field of leisure.

It's usually the time when we go back to all the true and tried formulas along with the cool promotions we used in the past, then see if there would be a chance to refresh them, beef them up and put them, once more, to the test. Generally, no one is genuinely convinced of the effectiveness of the exercise, yet the whole industry crosses its fingers and hopes for the best.

A better way to look at it, would be through a set of new eyes and in context with our busy, overloaded and multitasking world, emulating if we could what marketing leaders seem to succeed with, namely companies like Apple who get people to camp out on the eve of a major new product introduction. That's right there's something to learn from that company and the ski industry should study it more seriously...

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