Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When religions hide behind Islam...

In recent months, Islam has become the new enemy and the source of all dangers. Granted, it's been harnessed by some extremists and blessed by governments that have no problem mixing religion with politics. Yet, what's true for Islam is also true for any religion or other irrational beliefs.

Any faith, denomination or superstition is fair game for being highjacked by politicians that will use it to serve their darkest purposes. The lesson in all this is that spiritual beliefs have no place in government.

A strict and unyielding separation of the two is needed more than ever before if we're intent to march towards progress and world peace and whatever is irrational belongs to a class that should never be taken seriously.

The message is loud and clear, and yet, when Islam is portrayed as the delinquent, other faiths conspicuously shut up...

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