Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rules for retirement

Retirement should usher a new chapter into someone's life and in particular, at one time that - if at all possible - should be free of undue pressures and stress. It never has been as clear to me that rule number-one should be to do “as you please.”

Many of us, who are now “retired” have generally put up with a lifetime of following orders, compromising, and acquiescing. In more ways than one, pleasing others, in order to stay relevant, satisfy others or just stay employed.

Now that these pressure points are gone, why not break free of all them? That's right, being retired is just the right time for flying solo and finally be our own man or woman. It's never too late to turn on the switch, and we always need to remind ourselves that it's our perfect right to be or become the individual we've always dreamed of!

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