Friday, November 2, 2012

When Facebook friends support the opposition...

What can you do when your Facebook friends support the other presidential candidate? Do you just ignore it or do you “unfriend” them? Have we become so polarized as a Nation that we become irritated when we see, what we assume are logical, intelligent people cross the line of reason and support those we despise or think nothing of them?

This certainly is a measure of how extreme our positions have become and how the political machine is slowly be surely destroying communities and building a wall of resentment between folks who normally co-exist in peace. The debate is getting so nasty that we end up being engulfed into the toxic rhetoric and see more what divides us instead of what unites us.

This election cycle has been far too long, too negative and too costly. It's estimated that overall, $5 billion will have been wasted to make us mad at each other with borrowed money! Until New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg brought up the subject to the fore, global warming had been largely ignored during the two-year bickering process...

Perhaps our country pressing financial clean-up first begins with a change of legislation paving the way to true financial campaign reform?

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