Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shopping Ikea...

Today, as it was rainy, we went shopping at Ikea, mostly for ideas and inspiration. A long time had passed since we had walked the compulsory labyrinth for quite sometime (perhaps 5 years) and first the first time, I was able to circumvent it and find the special doors that no one wants you to take.
This store's philosophy is highly heavy handed and I doubt that individualist North Americans are in love with its mass-guidance system. Now that our initial enthusiasm had waned, we were disappointed by both the quality of the offering and the lack of new ideas.

The kitchens seemed to have fallen off a cliff in terms of quality and the lighting department had receded to some dark ages. At the end of the maze, we came empty-handed, except for a $1 frozen yogurt that was decent in taste, but a great buy by today's prices!

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