Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What would I give, just to...

Setbacks are part of life. When all goes well and we're perfectly healthy, most of us have a hard time realizing how lucky we are. Then comes an unforeseen problem and we suddenly feel it's grossly unfair. We wish it would go away and would give a lot to see that bad situation vaporize instantly.

So when one these bumps appear on my road, I always think of some real people I know who are far, far less fortunate than me, and then ask myself “what would they give to return to living a normal life?” and the response of course would be: “Everything they've got, including their very last material possession!”

Only then that I can measure the folly of my expectations and the depth of my comfort; I'm suddenly reminded never to complain and to soldier on. In most occasions, it's simply just a bit of time and a measure of patience that I have to give away. That's always very easy!

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