Friday, August 8, 2014

Stuck on epoxy

Epoxy resins are a class of reactive prepolymers and polymers. These resins may be reacted either with themselves through catalytic homopolymerisation, or with a wide range of co-reactants.

These co-reactants are often known as hardeners or curatives, and the cross-linking reaction is referred to as curing. The ski industry, through my good friend Michel Duret, is what introduced me to this material, that smells so intensely and stubbornly sticks to your fingers before it finally hardens.

Epoxy wasn't quite born yesterday; invented in 1927 and then licensed to Ciba of Switzerland in 1936 and then sold to Hunstman Chemical a local Utah company. All skis using fiberglass are bonded with epoxy. Yesterday and today, I'm literally bathing in epoxy as I'm busy coating my garage floor in that magic material; an awful, big job, but definitely worth doing, plus it smells 100% ski business!

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