Friday, December 4, 2015

Enough is enough!

This is letter I sent my representative and senators: « It appears now clearly that it is time to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

To many of us, Americans, have become too crazy, too violent and too zealot to handle it properly. Times change, circumstances change and laws must follow. Wayne Lapierre, many of our 535 members of Congress, most politicians as well as all NRA members have blood dripping off their hands.

In fact, this country's position on fire arms has become so absurd that the rest of the civilized world no longer understand why we still don't get it. If you believe our gun laws are etched in stone,

I encourage you to take fifteen minutes and watch this video, by Jim Jefferies, an Australian stand-up comedian. He tells better than any one the absurdity of our gun laws; make the effort, it will make you think. »

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