Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Stopping Daesh where it hurts

The most logical solution in stopping ISIS or Daesh, would be to cut their source of income which is the oil they capture from operating wells, before they sell it on the black market at deep discounts.
A quick survey of the internet shows that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Quatar appear to be its prime customers at cost in the $25 range per barrel. On occasions too, lured by the incredible deals offered, some European states are said to have bought that oil on the second market!

Putin also accuses the Turks to have a heavy hand in that (which I believe) and the German government even claims that Bashar al-Assad of getting his oil from Daesh! Knowing all of this, it would make sense to first target and destroy any vehicles and infrastructure used in moving that source of cash around, but some states claim that they don't want to risk an ecologic catastrophe or simply destroy the local economies involved.

What is clear is that the Saudis and Quataris, and to a lesser degree perhaps, the Turks, all of them Sunni, have played a huge role in helping ISIS take roots and sustain itself. The Western Coalition seems to be fumbling and probably realizes its humongous mistake by allying with such rogue states as Saudi Arabia and Quatar.

Our governments would like to save face but don't know how to retake control of and redress the situation. With so much misinformation going around, all orchestrated by Al Jazeera (Quatar), to further muddy the water, everyone is utterly confused and unable to fathom a solution through that mess, which gives even more urgency to cutting the flow of oil by all means possible...

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