Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Where are today's Prophets?

In this season of prophecies and religious celebrations, it's always interesting to revisit humanity's famous Prophets. In the past we had Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and more recently, Mormon characters like Joseph Smith.

Yet, the advent of modern technology, close-circuit TV, wearable video cams, photography and sound recording, has put a serious stop to the business of pronouncing godly revelations and other prophecies.
Daring statements and miracles were a lot easier to make when superstition, widespread fear of darkness and lack of education were everyday reality.

Today, any such prophetic revelation would no longer stand the test of modernity as it could not be positively verified and it largely explains why we don't have any one who can get away with such preposterous stories and fool millions if not billions of people.

Fortunately for these early and now well-established witnesses, humanity has never had the tools to questioned too much the sources and the deception can linger on.

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