Thursday, August 2, 2018

How to engage political adversaries

Political polarization is actively discouraging constructive discussions among people who are standing on opposite sides of the ideological spectrum and ends up encouraging isolation and breaking what could have been neighborly and friendly relationships.

Faced with this, there's only one way to constructively deal with it: Discuss it head-on, in a civil, smart and cool way.

Generally, I have a tough time with this approach because I'm so emotional that I tend to get hot around the collar too fast and for no good reason. This is an area where I must improve by bringing more self-control to the situation.

Another place where I need to get my act together, is by convincing through hard facts, common-sense reasoning and a disarming sense of humor. We'll revisit the issue when I have improved and have a developed a good strategy.

In the meantime, I seriously need to work on it!

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