Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Japan trip, Day 10

On Tuesday, we left Osaka with the almost certainty that we'd get back home at about the same time we left ! The benefit of crossing the dateline eastbound, I guess.

Of course that wasn't meant to be. I wasn't counting on the usual airline delay that added some five hours to our arrival time.

With a beautiful weather throughout our entire stay, we got rather lucky on that count and all in all, had a terrific time.

We found the Japanese so hospitable that I strongly feel that they should be running all hospitality schools the world over.

This said, Japan is a rather complicated country starting with its complex language, focus on perfection and stiff discipline. It might be a text book case into what not to do in order to innovate.

There seems to be no doubt that regimentation kills creativity and, at term, fosters stagnation. Is this one reason that Japan can't seem to find its footing back after the crisis of 1990?

Now, the opposite argument could be made against innovating, improving just for the sake of it, and screwing up a planet that could do without that...

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