Sunday, October 14, 2018

Trading isn't for the faint of heart!

Whether you are trading stocks in small or large amounts, expect a lot of stress, a myriad of second-thoughts and many regrets. Sometimes, there will be rewards too, but, by an large, trading stocks isn't easy and demands a tough skin and large dose of self-reliance.
The key thing is that you never know what the future will hold in store for you. Only insight can explain things, validate or condemn moves, and build up some useful experience. And boy, it does takes a lot of it to survive that extreme sport!

I've done it consistently since the beginning of this century, have seen my game change a lot, and by any measure, have been quite lucky at it.

I've also learned many important things, like it's a lot easier to sell than buy, nobody knows anything and at the end of the day, you can only count on yourself to get a pat on the back or to take the appropriate blame.

If you haven't started it yet, begin with small amounts of money you own (never, ever borrow), observe, be open, honest, absorb and before you know it, you'll become good at it!

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