Monday, October 8, 2018

Never forget the honey!

Last week, I had to plant 150 bulbs in the hope of gracing our house garden with even more flowers next spring.

After the drought we suffered this summer, the soil was hard as concrete, the job close to impossible as I had to use a long, heavy steel rod to bore holes deep enough to accommodate the large narcissus bulbs.

In so doing, I got a huge blister next to my thumb that, unbeknownst to me, got infected and woke me up in the middle of that night. The pain was excruciating, but I was so tired that I managed to fall back asleep only to wake up an hour later hounded by an even worst pain.

That's only when I thought “Honey!” the miracle drug, got up and ran to the kitchen. There, I got some honey, put it on the wound, covered it with a band-aid and went back to sleep as pain began to fade away.

Thirty-six hour later, not only pain was long gone, but the spot was fully healed. Thanks, honey, I need to think of you much more often!

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