Sunday, July 21, 2019

“Go back to your country!”

Trump’s new mantra is not something totally new to people like me who have kept their native accent.

I have heard it a few times directed to me, during the 42 years I’ve been in America and the last three decades since I’ve been American.

Now, next time someone asks me “Where are you from?” I’ll preface my answer by telling the following story:

“As a kid, I heard about this huge country that had been taken away from the natives after most of them were exterminated and the few surviving ones parked in some isolated spots, while a huge human labor pool imported from Africa worked there for nothing, for many, many years.

Back then, I was totally ignorant of that historic reality. This said, life in America seemed so easy and comfy that I decided to move to that country. That’s how I ended up in America. I presume [depending on my personal assessment of the interrogator] you – your parents – your ancestors, did exactly the same, right? 

So please, now that you’ve heard my story, don’t tell me that I have to go back to France, my country of origin!”

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