Thursday, July 25, 2019

Let’s blame the baby boomers!

As our planet climate seems to be going to the dogs and our national debt is ballooning to levels so high we seem no longer able to relate to, the obvious question is who got us into that mess and one easy answer, at least for younger generation would be “The baby boomers, of course!”

It’s true that in the late 60s and early 70s, that same group of people had decided to embark upon a crusade to changing the world and that resolve quickly dissolved into building up their personal comfort and securing their short-term future and forgetting about all the noble ideas that once went through their ebullient minds.

Well they didn’t invent the tools of capitalism, it just was there, at their disposal and since they felt good into their hands they used them to further and ease their lives. Sure, they could be accused of “friending” a bad system that they once denounced, but money, careers, houses, kids to raise and retirement to shore up, convinced them that an easy path forward was totally excusable if not acceptable.

They didn’t like make hard sacrifices then, as none of the Gen Xers or Millennials would like to today. In fact, volunteer sacrifice is hardly ever a natural response and for sacrifices to come into effect they must be imposed.

This say, most baby boomers had a life far less comfy than the generations that followed them and, for the younger ones, any sacrifice will feel drastically more painful than they would have felt to their elders.

They’re probably right, but in many more ways than one, we were more bystanders and instruments of the system than nefarious actors and for that, we’ ought to be partly forgiven!

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