Wednesday, December 18, 2019

My foot is prisoner!

If you live a long life, you’re more likely to have first-time experiences, and one of them happened to me when I was done skiing this week.

My wife and I decided to go out in spite of a very cold, 19 degree temperature. The snow was terrific, but the sun remain hidden by passing clouds most of the time and when we called it quit later in the afternoon, we were literally frozen.

As we always do, we took off our ski boots sitting on the back of my hatchback and getting out of my left ski boot was nearly impossible and a lot of work. When it came to the right, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t extract my foot out of the hardened plastic shell.
I thought that I would have to drive back home with my boot on. It’s only when my wife held the upper collar of the shell open that I was finally able to pull my foot to freedom.

Never be shy to ask for or accept outside help!

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