Saturday, December 14, 2019

Was it the snow or my age? (continued)

A week ago I was wondering if my skiing was going to the dog, and following one week of intense verification, I have come to the conclusion that between my skiing fitness and the quality of the snow, the later was the problem.

You see, when snow conditions are bad, a skier’s fluidity isn’t there and one of the secret of good skiing is a continuous flow of coordinated, fluid movements.

That’s it! You could say that it’s like ch’i or qi, in traditional Chinese culture. Ch’i is believed to be the vital force streaming out of any living entity. Ch’i translates as "air" and figuratively as "material energy"or more appropriately to skiing as "energy flow" or overall fluidity as I see it.

So, stay fluid on your skis and you’ll be doing just fine!

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