Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The new (sad) American math

Recently, I read an article titled “One big reason Americans are broke and overweight”, by Catey Hill, Editor at Market Watch.

The article was asserting that one American out three admits that dining out too much is a financial mistake, that in turn, is a huge factor to increasing their waistline. It’s pretty clear that eating out is very costly and that food served in restaurants is generally too abundant and contribute to fattening patrons.

This perfectly illustrate today’s topic that mathematics or even basic arithmetic are merciless and don’t leave any gray area.
The equation has to balance. For instance, in America, people eat too much, exercise too little = a surplus is created (body fat, most generally). By the same token, people earn too little but spent too much = a deficit appears (just too much debt).

America would be revolutionized if people exercised more than they eat, lose fat as a result, and then if they wanted a perfect balance, would bring both behaviors to the same level.

Likewise, if people spent less than they earn, they would save money (what a concept!) If saving is against their set of belief they could simply keep their expenditures to the level of what they earn.

These were my thought for the day.

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