Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The more I meditate, the more I learn…

I should almost title this blog “Adventures in Meditation”.

Since January 20, when I (successfully) resumed my practice of meditation, it’s been a wonderful journey in discovery and appreciation. This couldn’t have come at a better time since it pretty much coincided with the disruption caused by Covid-19 into our much sheltered lives.

As I’ve told you before, I progressively found a full unity of body and mind, a total absence of passion, envy, fear, regret, and nothing remotely negative. I also found peacefulness, total acceptance and I feel that I have returned to my original state, just when as was born, regardless of where I spent my life and what I learned, over the years and until today.
My long life experiences has in no way altered a bit who I originally was and still am. There’s a core element or a “blank page” if you will, that remains true to me and hasn’t changed.

This alone is truly fascinating and help me go through these challenging times stress-free, and give me great power to cope well.

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