Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What political leaders should we get?

Before we plunge into another election cycle, it seems to me that a political leader or a head of state should be able to assess how to distribute power and resources, build relationships with other stakeholders and make decisions that can have the best possible impact on the well-being of a nation and its people.

Leadership also requires an ability to focus on the long-term good of a country, regardless of any personal gains. To be good, a leader must possess a blend of charisma and integrity, as well as good judgment to assess a situation and make the best possible decision for the greatest number of people.

Most of all, leadership in a political context requires having the integrity, willingness and courage to stand up for what’s right, even if it means going against the grain or losing the next election. We just have the opposite at this moment in America and even though, our leadership is worst than ever before, its potential alternative only represents a small improvement, and is far from meeting the above-stated requirements.

For instance, politicians jump, eye-closed, on the same paradigms without ever questioning them their rationale, like national defense, health care or foreign aid.. This brings me to that old, prescient TED talk by Bill Gates, from 2015 in which he lamented that the world wasn’t ready for the next epidemic outbreak.

Perhaps, and at this desperate point of time, should the DMC draft Mr. Gates as our next president. For a change, this would be a great idea!

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