Thursday, March 18, 2021

Septuagenarian skiing (continued)

Today, let’s turn to that advantages of skiing when one’s is more than 70… 

If you’ve began skiing very young, you’re likely to have accumulated a wealth of experience and efficient abilities that have been built on an improved technique, an impressive mileage and a continued exposure to a vast array of terrains, snow and weather conditions. 

The older skier “has seen them all”, or almost! There’s also a great appreciation and understanding for speed, gliding, saving techniques when things go wrong, falling “gracefully” and knowing one’s limits. Did I mention “reading the snow”, knowing the terrain and using it to get the most fun out it? 

All these resources go a long way to compensate some of the pitfalls we covered yesterday, so never underestimate them and always remember to use them.

Finally, being over 70 means having nothing to prove and no one to impress, so even if you form isn’t the most beautiful and your attire won’t make heads turn in the ski lines, don’t worry, you’re skiing for your own pleasure, not the gallery’s.

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