Monday, July 12, 2021

Ethernet cables are not dead yet!

With the popularity and widespread availability of Wi-Fi, many have forgotten about the good old Ethernet cable and don’t even suspect that their internet speeds would be much faster if they ditch Wi-Fi for their desktops and hooked them with yesteryear's cable. 

This is it, if you are looking for the fastest possible connection, a hard connection is the way to go. I know, I know, it's a lot less convenient, but if you have a desktop PC close enough to your router, and an Ethernet cable still lying around your house, go for it! 

If you can't connect your router by Ethernet wire, but you have a laptop and need to download or upload huge files, connect your router and computer with one cable! 

As far as I'm concerned, the results are almost unbelievable; recently, I took this test at 3:40 PM, which is a time of high demand and probably slow traffic speeds and I got download speeds of 183.68 and 19.99 Megabits / second on Ethernet respectively, while plugging into Wi-Fi the speed dropped to 12.19 and 0.22 Megabits / second respectively. 

This may be due to some technical issues simmering inside my desktop computer, but these are still turtle speeds and you can see why, in that case, I got back in a hurry to the Ethernet cable!

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