Saturday, July 24, 2021

Slaloming through shopping carts

I’m driving to the store, get to the parking area, eye what seems to be a good spot to park my car and dang! there’s an abandoned shopping cart right in the middle of the space. 

This is just what it takes to infuriate me and think: “What’s wrong with these people?” 

Recently, an article in the magazine “Scientific American” was trying to answer my question, but the author, Krystal D'Costa, failed to understand what was the real reason for that behavior. 

She said it’s either because the drop area is too far from where shoppers have parked their car, they have a kid they don’t want to leave unattended, it’s simply bad weather, they’re disabled, they count on someone else to put away their cart or, (I love that one) they're leaving the carts for someone else to easily pick up and use. 

I say wrong! In ninety per cent of the cases, the reason is pure, unadulterated laziness! 

In addition Krystal D’Costa failed to suggest as a remedy, the trick employed by European supermarkets, that consists at inserting a one euro coin to free the car and get the euro refunded when the cart is returned where it’s supposed to be put away. 

Reasons for problems and solutions to them are often much simpler than they often appear or are explained away!

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