Friday, July 30, 2021

My Nest, your phone and all of us will die!

Few new products last forever or long enough for us to get tired of them by the time they expire. 

Mobile phones for example are often made obsolete by larger memory becoming available, passage from 3G to 4 and 5G operating system, or as is always the case, their batteries dying and not designed to be easily replaced. 

The problem then becoming one of pondering whether it’s worth incurring the cost of opening up the device to insert a new battery, instead of simply turning the page and buying a state-of-the-art phone. 

Recently, I was inquiring about the life expectancy of our Nest thermostats that recently turn 7 years of age. We love them, they work fine and I learned that ours, the so-called generation is likely to see their batteries die after 10 years, against only 7 for the first generation. 

I was disappointed in learning this. First, we have 3 units and each one is pretty expensive and second, they haven’t changed much since they were introduced. Sure there’s now a cheaper Nest version offered with replaceable batteries, but they can’t do all the things the better version is supposed to do and don’t look as durable. 

So here you go, nothing these days last forever! By the way, I hope my personal batteries still have some good life left into them. 

I could use it!

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