Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Richard Branson’s two key questions

I fell on that intriguing proposition, early one morning, as I was turning on my desktop computer. It was allegedly something the famous British entrepreneur Richard Branson held as a principle, and the most important pair of questions everyone should ask themselves, especially is one isn’t so sure about what to do with their own life. 

This is someone that happens to many of us, including yours truly. This pair of questions is deceivingly simple: 

1. What do I love? 

Love involves passion and passion is the ideal fuel to achieve anything. In my case, my passion was skiing and I built my life and my livelihood around it. Today, I’m happy to testify that it worked wonderfully well and brought me, not just material success, but an unending source of joy. 

2. What do I dislike? 

This other question might seem counter-intuitive, but is in part filled with opportunities. This is how great inventions have seen the light of day, as antidotes to irritating, or seemingly insurmountable problems and challenges. 

It is also an important indicator of the lifestyle or a bunch other things we don’t like and want to stay away from. It could have to do with the place we live, the housing we prefer or the very type of work we perform or the leisure we choose. 

Of course the above directions have to be tried and tested first, in order to make sure we aren’t getting into something we’re bound to regret later. As the article was saying in conclusion: “The 80,000 hours one’s will spend working in their career are way, way too many to waste...”

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