Thursday, April 21, 2022

Harvesting dandelion

A few days ago, I set out to go pick up our first dandelion salad of the season. At first, I struggled a bit, having a hard time finding anything, then it got better. 

While I enjoy this form of foraging, passers-by that happen to see me, seem to wonder what I’m doing squatting in the meadow. 

No one had quite the curiosity or the guts to ask me what I was doing then, but this is quite annoying as I would have had to explain that 

1) dandelion is edible, 

2) my mom used to harvest it around the family house in the Alps where I grow up and 

3) that I considered it a delicacy. 

A royal pain in the ass to have to justify myself in such a manner! 

Upon my return home as I brought four servings worth, I share that observation with my wife, who agreed that my courage to stick my neck out like this was nothing less than extreme courage!

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