Wednesday, April 20, 2022

“The longer you ski, the longer you live.”

This quote is attributed to my hero, Klaus Obermeyer who turned 102 years old last December. He was born on Dec. 2, 1919, in Oberstaufen, Germany. He began skiing at three on skis fashioned from orange crate slats. 

Later, during World War II, as he was no fan of the Nazis, he found his way into the United States to seek a better life. His first stop was in Sun Valley, Idaho, and later in Aspen where he joined the ski school and has remained there ever since. 

As a ski instructor, Obermeyer realized that the ski-wear wasn’t really good and needed to be dryer, warmer and more comfortable, and this what led him to create Sport Obermeyer in 1947 (the year I was born). 

 In addition to more functional clothing, he formulated a high-altitude sunscreen, popularized the turtleneck, created the wind-breaker, and (pun intended) tinkered with the first ski brake designs. 

 Still very active, he claims to swim half a mile a day and says in one year he swims all the way to Denver and swims back to Aspen the following year. He also practices Aikido, a martial art based on positive energy. 

And yes, he still skis, although COVID has cut into his schedule. In a November 2021 interview, he said, “The longer you ski, the longer you live.” That’s a belief I share too and this is why Klaus Obermeyer is my new role model!

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