Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Ukrainian hostage taking

If there is a terrorist, it’s Putin. He’s been telling the world: “Let me do whatever I want, don’t forget that I sit on 6,000 nukes” or something to that effect. 

The net result is that the “free world” has been paralyzed by fear after hearing that threat and has let Ukraine fend for itself after the Russian terrorist decided to invade that country. What Putin bluffing then? Probably. 

What should have the West (NATO) done? Quell the invasion right away, crush the Russian forces to oblivion and teach the small man a big, memorable lesson. But since we didn’t want to upset our definition of personal comfort, we declined, and after having had a terrible time with his invasion, the Russian terrorist is backed into a corner and now, infinitely more dangerous. 

So what should the West do, beside feeding Ukraine with more military and life support? Well, to me the best solution is clear, “neutralize” Putin, get him out of the picture once and for all. Is it even feasible? 

Given the technological tools at our disposal, that should be, but what’s missing is the will to even try it and the only hope left is that it happens from the inside of Russia.

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