Monday, June 20, 2022

Macron’s poorlegislative election results

President Macron of France probably believed that his recent landslide victory would guarantee him, once more, another legislative majority, but this time, such a domination wasn’t in the cards.

The 2017 “miracle” didn’t recur and the “yellow vest”, Covid-19 and his aloofness at the helm of the nation didn’t endear him to much to his French electorate. 

What’s even more amazing is that the abstention rate for that run-off election was around 54% which either shows a total lack of interest on the part of my countrymen, or a full misunderstanding of the National Assembly’s role in the country’s political life. The benefit of this appalling disaffection is that each French voter who dropped a ballot has seen their voice count double. 

The bad news is that Macron will no longer be able to run the country autocratically, and the good news is that there is likely to be a healthy debate before any new law or program is adopted in France if it ever can!

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