Friday, July 1, 2022

From rock-bottom to top-of-the-world

These days, we talk a lot about mental illness, deep depression and even suicide, among our young American population. 

I do not envy them and really believe that they are leading a complicated and hard life in which nothing is easy and where everything becomes tangled up, between the expectations are placed on them, the options they are offered and the pressures they must deal with.

Hearing and seeing all of that forced a comparison with my own youth when living was much simpler and easier, when we had plenty of space to be young and enjoy life without undue influence or pressure. 

I was lucky enough never to hit “rock-bottom” in my mental state, even though I had many long moments during my earlier years when I could have used much more self-confidence and positiveness both in terms of behavior and thoughts. 

Eventually though, a strong belief in everything positive, an almost addictive practice of sports and more recently, daily meditation, have levitated me in the “top-of-the-world zone. 

Today, I always force myself to remember that I’m immensely grateful of having found myself, in the right place, at the right time!

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