Monday, July 25, 2022

New phones, new headaches!

We just got some new mobile phones and this kind of event always open the door to surprises as technology is never as simple as anticipated, and can create havoc on some well-established elements we’re used to count on. 

Case in point my own phone that was supposed to received the information contained in the previous one. For this, I used a special app that alerted me when the transfer was complete. As I checked to see if all my data was there, I realized that only 1,000 of my 1,300 contact names had made it to the new phone as the app only allowed for the transfer of 1,000 records. 

So, I scrambled, trying to find a solution but I had a very tough time doing it. Thank god, I had by miraculous chance backed-up that particular contact info on the cloud (but forgot I had done it earlier) So, I decided to cut the 300 records that were in excess of the allowable transfer. Problem is, that in my rush, I highlighted the records I wanted out and left the check mark on the ones I wanted to leave. 

I did it wrong, totally in reverse, lost all the Google data I wanted to save that doesn’t just feed my phone, but my wife’s and my computer. 

Bottom line, I had lost everything and felt just like a catastrophe had befallen me. Still, I persisted, looked for other solutions, called support and after the course of the entire day restored everything, thanks for my earlier cloud back-up. If it hadn’t been for it, I’d still be crying over my misfortune...

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