Monday, July 4, 2022

Our crazy Supreme Court

Happy birthday, America! 

Trump’s legacy will include giving us three extra fascists inside the Supreme Court that are ideologically corrupt, and have already destroyed the remaining credibility the once-venerated American institution has.

These folks aren’t just fascist, they’re dumb or idiots and the only thing we can hope for is that Biden or a next, more daring and creative president, adds four more progressive judges to silent the half-dozen crazies we got. 

I can’t wait to use the expression: “As idiot as a Conservative Supreme Court Judge!” 

This said, their decision won’t stop abortion, it will just displace it out of certain States, make it go underground and promote abortion drugs. Likewise, car makers will have to go electric because of sheer demand and Big Oil or Koch Industries will get screwed down the road. 

Progress is hard to stop, unless Putin decides to terminally nuke the entire planet.

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