Friday, July 22, 2022

Managing our carbon footprint…

Like most First World citizens we know that our carbon footprint could be trimmed down quite a bit. It’s not that we haven’t been working on that issue. 

At home, we use water sparingly, we have LED lights everywhere, well-insulated walls and ceiling, we don’t drive when we don’t need to, we’ve had solar panels for a while, we’ve just got an electric auto, electric garden tool and we’re generally quite frugal. 

Yet, we still heat our home with natural gas, eat some meat and fish and, these days, are still occasionally traveling by plane. 

You can see what we mean, we try and. on the one hand, if two out of 8 billion do that, what kind of difference can it make? 

robably not much, but on the other hand, we hope that more and more people will try to follow in that manner and that we’ll continue to make progress, this planet might become a tiny bit less inhabitable and we might give a bigger chance to our descendants. It has to still be worth it!

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