Sunday, July 31, 2022

Hotel California?

On me, songs and music I love, hold a very strong evocative power. 

A few nights ago, I heard the Eagle’s number one hit that also happen to be among my favorite songs. That’s when I remember hearing “Hotel California” blasting off a tourist bus radio, near Nevers, France where Look ski-bindings were headquartered. 

I must have heard the song released in 1976 many times before, but in that instance, it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

The year was 1977 and I was part of the US sales contingent that had been invited to tour the ski-binding factory and later on that day, we were invited to a reception at the Château de Beaumont, located 22 miles south, near Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier.

This imposing castle was Look’s General Manager modest abode. Philippe Blime and his wife hosted us in grand style inside their impressive residence, and to me and my imaginative mind, this was the perfect physical location for a song like “Hotel California”!

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