Monday, April 3, 2023

The ups and downs of skiing

The last couple of days of March and the first of April have seen a clear lowering of my ski performance. 

Should it signal that I’m now too old to ski like a young buck, is this just a passing trend, or is there a justifiable excuse that I could bring forward to explain my lackluster form on ski? Since I’m not ready yet to admit that I’m getting old, let’s explore the excuse. 

You see, during these three days we had some massive snowfalls that were much more than deep powder snow. In certain areas, it was almost like impenetrable concrete and since I’m a rather lightweight skiing on relatively narrow skis, that placed me in a precarious, unstable situation from the get go.

I fell twice on the flat, which resulted into some exhausting acts of getting back up, then after that when, I skied in steeper terrain, I was terrified of falling, knowing all the work that would be required to get back up on my skis, so the experience wasn’t as fun as one could have expected. 

On April 1st, I ventured in crossed tracks and fell again as the snow was catching my skis and the elements were plotting to put me down by all possible means. 

Finally, I opted for the true and know packed paths, and ended up these post-storm days with a few spectacular falls, but no lasting damage to my aging body...

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