From Thursday through Sunday, we're watching Finn at Thomas and Juliette’s home near Salt Lake City. Since today was another superb day, I escaped to go skiing in Snowbird, 15 miles up into the mountains. When I got to the ticket booth, I asked for a “senior citizen” pass; the attendant replied: “Do you want the one over 65 or over 70?” When I heard that, I was shocked and embarrassed. In fact, I was so annoyed to he mistaken for such and old “geezer” that I answered: “the one over 65 will do for today” and in so doing passed the extra $19 saving that came with the older age category; something in me didn’t want to jinx my longevity by taking an unfair advantage of my appearance. I guess that looking sixty-five is good enough for the moment; let’s save seventy for some other day…
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