Sunday, November 14, 2010

You're sick, that's what you must do...

You go for your annual check-up and while you thought everything was A-Okay, your doc tells you that you have high-blood pressure, too much bad cholesterol and now diabetes. She goes on to prescribe a rather austere and tough regimen. Since you prefer life over death, you reluctantly agree and begin doing it... Now roll back to the beginning of this week, when Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, co-chairmen of Barack Obama’s deficit commission, knowing that the “patient” was already in terrible shape, let the country have a peek into their proposal for sweeping tax reforms and spending overhauls to cut the deficit to 2.2% and stabilize the debt at 69% of GDP by 2015.

To me, that news was refreshing and it was the first time that I heard politicians utter something that finally made any good sense, especially after getting an earful of idiotic rhetoric by “tea party” candidates during this mid-term election season. When that information hit the street, the other politicians of all stripes began to shoot holes into the draft proposal. Citizens were also up in arms against the suggestion of doing away with the sacrosanct mortgage interest deductions. Perhaps America carries a secret death wish within itself and would rather be under six-foot than solvent!

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