Monday, November 8, 2010

Choosing and keeping a good attitude

Two years ago, I was talking about the book Fish! and how important it was to choose one's (good) attitude. More recently, I was advocating the need for some kind of “tough skin.” Today, I have found a solution to my quest, which in fact is a bridge between the two that takes the form of choosing and keeping a good, and why not great, attitude from the time we get up till the moment we fall asleep.

That sounds awfully simple but like anything that appears basic, it is in fact a very tall order, yet it would seem a reasonable and painless alternative to growing of a bulletproof armor. There are many elements of Taoism in it, and if you know me well, this is my pet philosophy. So here we go, from now on I won't just chose to wear a good attitude for the day, but will keep reminding myself as the day progresses, events wear me down and my mood deteriorates, if someone is intent on pushing my buttons, my good – and soon to be great – attitude will be maintained no matter what...

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