Sunday, April 24, 2011

One-way phone conversations

It's amazing how some phone conversations are just one-way, namely how folks on the other side of the line can talk, talk, and never give you a breather to say anything. This happens more than I would think and when it does, I can only listen, nod in approval, roll my eyes and desperately try to intervene, attempting to utter what I think is my legitimate part, with often no success. It's not that I'm bashful or not talkative, quite on the contrary, but there are people who have pushed monopolizing the conversation into a skill that is second to none.

Can I change these people? Probably not. Do I have a way to fight that audio domination? Not really, I've never apprehended the subject matter in these terms, but
I might eventually conduct some personal brain-storming and do some research to come with a step-by-step “how-to” method so I can finally say my “piece” instead of rolling over and playing dead! Once more, just stay tuned...

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