Thursday, May 12, 2011

Keeping an open, political mind

Profoundly, I stand as an independent on the US political landscape. What would define me the best is being a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I will explain by beginning with the fiscal side. First. I think that the government should not spend one penny more than it takes in. We should trim everything that's ought to be reduced like the military budget, the excesses and other fraud that take place with Medicaid and Medicare and then, if we have to, raise taxes.

On the social side we ought to let people live the life they want to live without intruding into it. That would apply to family planning, sexual orientation and separation of church and state. We should also reform our electoral system and make it impervious to influence from big money. This plan is not complicated at all and I suspect there are millions of Americans who feel the same way I do. Yet, there is no one, among our political leaders that stands for that simple system. This makes me think that sadly, our politicians are what I've always suspected; a bunch of idiots unable to get a job in the private sector!

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