Friday, July 6, 2012

Tradition vs. Creativity

As I was talking to a friend, in France, yesterday, we were discussing America, its settlement and its people. Then she said: “I recently saw a TV show in which Americans admitted they were lacking roots and traditions.”

As an American, I kind of took exception to that remark and then, I realized that what makes America so creative and so forward-thinking is precisely the fact that our country and its people are not mired into tradition, in other words America isn't turned inward and into the past, but decidedly facing the future and never missing an opportunity to taking chances.

Aren't those the foundation of a creative existence? Being such a new and diverse country, America doesn't have to drag the burden of the past, filter traditions and of listen to the opinion of too many people. It can act upon what it faces without that extra baggage that never fails to slow others Nations. Traditions and creativity don't mix too well!

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