Sunday, July 1, 2012

Always relevant?

As I was talking with a friend yesterday, we touched on the subject of staying relevant. We have many friends that – at some point in their career – occupied some top spots in their industry. Today, however, because they were eventually laid off, took retirement or went off their intended trajectories, they seem to suffer from not being relevant anymore.

 This, of course, begs the question, can we remain forever relevant? I'm not so entirely sure and it depends for what... At some period of my career, I was relevant with certain ski equipment products like bindings or boots. Today, I'm much more relevant about landscaping with rocks and native plants, I'm also pretty much on top of recreational mountain biking...

Videos producing? I still may need a few more year at it. So, for me, relevancy changes, just as the color and density of my hair has drastically evolved over the years. I still feel very much relevant, but in totally new and different domains!

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