Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dreams: Myths and realities

Last night I was watching Nova on PBS and the show was about dreams; how they happen, and of course, what they mean. I found the show to be quite poor as it was suggesting outcomes that were very tenuous at best and all the “findings” were of highly subjective nature.

I'm convinced that the only positive and tangible contributions made by dream can sometimes be in the realm of problem-solving and creativity, if these issues are stirred-up during the waking hours. For the rest, however, it's a random reflection of what preoccupies us (good and bad) and all that assortment of disjointed thoughts are tossed up in the air and are the (very) raw material our dreams are made of.

So if you are trying to make some sense inside that mess, be my guest, and good luck to you!

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