Wednesday, August 29, 2012

“We built it...”

This was last night's theme at the Republican convention and while I managed to catch both Ann Romney and Chris Christie's speeches, I found that Ann's delivery rather contrived, fake and certainly not warm. She didn't convince me that her husband could make her laugh, let alone make us all explode into laughter.

As for Christie's talk, it was a muddied list of things that didn't really touch me; based on what I had heard about him, I expected much more. He just came across to me as a fat, gesticulating clown. He should really try to shed a few pounds ...

Finally, the “We built it” mantra suggested to me that, over the years, the Republicans have “built” the demise of this great nation. That's right; “they built” the deficit with the insane George Bush era's tax cuts, the unwarranted Iraq war, the botched incursion into Afghanistan and the Republican Congress' steady work of obstruction during Obama's first four years.

Yeah, they did “built” the mess we're all in and I presume they have no more clues than our current administration as to how they'll get us out of it...

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