Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ski Goals 2013

I've never looked at one single season thinking that I will be doing this, that and another thing. I'm very much goal-oriented for all the other areas of my life, but this approach has never permeated into my skiing outlook. So, the other day, when I was asked “what are you goals for this ski season” I had to think very, very hard!

I first remembered some wise words from Gérard Bouvier, a good friend of mine, who told me just a couple of years ago: “At your age, what do you have to prove?”. You see, I'm very competitive and have always looked at performing better and faster whenever possible. This approach of course has its own limitations as we age and our strength begins to decline.
At that point, we get less nimble and considerably slower. I am not going to argue with my friend and instead, will heed his wise recommendation! So, from that point forward, my goals on skis won't be measured in speed, quickness or slaloming through a tight grove of aspen trees.

Instead, they will be qualitative in nature and will consist of skiing much more often, but when I do it, it will also be much more smoothly and I will focus on saving all of my resources to enjoy a longer, fun-filled day on the slopes.

Sure, I'll go fast when I can and when it makes me more efficient, but never again at the expense of my own safety. I'll think more about being lighter on my skis, on better using the terrain to check my speed, make my turns and be one with the terrain. That's about right, less brute force and more “caresses” on the snow, this is how my skiing will be looking like this season and beyond!

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