Saturday, February 16, 2013

It's raining rocks!

Yesterday cosmic events - the asteroid missing our dear planet by some 17,200 miles and the meteorite breaking soviet-made windows in the small town of Chelyabinsk - added to my worries that we indeed live in a dangerous world.

Up until then, I was only worried about death, the Fiscal Sequester, global warming, glaciers melting and a dismal snow cover in Park City. Now, I will have to look up to the sky before I go out to run, ski, mountain bike or drive to pick up some milk at the store.

This said, I have already planned my evasive strategies which I'll share with you so you can feel a tad safer: If the celestial object seems to move to the right, turn left, if it goes towards the left, veer to the right.

If it seems to moving towards you, just accelerate (making a U-Turn takes too much time and might end up being a terrible move) and if the boulder flies over your head, in the same direction as you're going, hit the brakes, pull out your cell phone and shoot a video.

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