Monday, February 11, 2013

Should I apply for the job?

As of today, there's a new job open at the Vatican that I feel I'm totally qualified to take it on. First my background is sales and marketing, I speak some Italian, quite a bit of German and I consider myself fluent in both French and English. Latin? I used it a lot when I was an altar boy, more than half a century ago!

I have traveled internationally extensively, I understand different cultures, I am also very creative, can think on my feet and can make up a good story when the situation demands it. I'm also ready and willing to relocate to Vatican City; besides, I love Italian food and Ferraris. I might have to put a few projects of mine on the back-burner, but the position makes it worth it. I'm going to reform anything that's reformable, I'd bring back skiing and winter sports into the Holy Sea,

I'm dedicated, hard working and won't make a fuss is they force me to use Alitalia exclusively for all of my international trips!

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